For an efficient and experienced chimney cleaner look no further. Our Company can help. Whether it's a single or a number of chimneys we will be able to assist.
Our Office hours are:
Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm and
Saturdays from 8am to 12am.
If your wood is wet or greener than usual it will burn slower and creat condensation which whill cause the soot to adhere to the inside of the chimney, increasing the risk of a chimney fire.
When you inhale carbon monoxide, you are immediately depriving your brain and body of oxygen and replacing it with a gas that is lethal. Even in small amounts carbon monoxide can negatively affect perception, energy and breathing, and will also provide you with a a rather severe headache. Carbon Monoxide in the bloodstream will suffocate the cells and depending on the amount and duration of exposure the result could be brain damage or paralysis.
Flu-like symptoms which are persistent are also indicators that you may have been exposed to carbon monoxide.
Unconsciousness can occur pretty quickly if the saturation of carbon monoxide in the air is high enough and if the person who has fall unconscious is not removed from the contaminated area continued inhalation will result in death.
Carbon monoxide cannot be seen or smelled which means that you would not be able to tell if you are being exposed to it, so the best way to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning is to take preventative action.
Inefficient ventilation such as in modern homes where rooms are sealed up tight to prevent warmth from escaping can cause the carbon monoxide in the air to collect and expose the occupants of the home to carbon monoxide.
Chimneys in need of cleaning will be ineffective in guiding the smoke from the room, allowing smoke and gases to be inhaled.
Wood which has not been seasoned efficiently will not only battle to light but will smoke more than properly seasoned wood.
Cleaning of the chimney by a professional team before using a fireplace for the first time in the season will eliminate any built up dirt from the previous season, preventing potential chimney fires and eliminating any kind of blockages that will force smoke into the room.
Ventilation is important to keep the fire burning and to keep the air clean for breathing.
Burn quality, properly seasoned wood in the fireplace.
Do not burn anything else, rubbish is for the rubbish bin.